BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Manual Autologon server configurations
Configuration for Active Autologon server can be done manually or modified later by changing the following values in the file autologon/config/autologon.conf:
- NTServerName
- NTDomain
- ServerPort (check that the server port corresponds to the one in ntlm_conf.pm)
- Server 2003 requires SMB signatures by default
- Option 1 disable SMB signatures requirement for client access on Server 2003
- Comment out the lines jcifs.smb.client.domain, jcifs.smb.client.username and jcifs.smb.client.password or Autologon will be disabled.
- Option 2 enable SMB signatures pre-authentication in AutoLogon Server
- Uncomment and edit jcifs.smb.client.domain to contain valid domain
- Uncomment and edit jcifs.smb.client.username to contain valid active directory username
- Uncomment and edit jcifs.smb.client.password to contain valid password for above mentioned username
- Option 3 enable SMB signatures for every connection without preauthentication (slow). Selecting to configure SMB signatures in the installation script will default to this option value.
- Uncomment jcifs.smb.ssnLimit=1
Configure the file bin/ntlmauthd.pl:
Check that the Autologon server starts/stops from the Kronodoc start/stop scripts:
- In httpd/support/start_kronodoc_web_server:
cd ${KRONODIR}/Kronodoc/AutologonServer
sh bin/ntlmauthd start
before the row "exit $RV1"
- In httpd/support/stop_kronodoc_server:
cd ${KRONODIR}/Kronodoc/AutologonServer
sh bin/ntlmauthd stop
before the row "exit $RV1"
In the command line:
chmod u+x bin/ntlmauthd*
Set perl path in bin/ntlmauthd to /krono/kronodoc/PERL.malloc/bin/perl.